Friday, December 5, 2008

It's going good :)

Hey there everyone! It seems like it's been ages since my last blog post. I've been ridiculously busy, but I'm not complaining :)

I have a lot of sessions to blog about within the next few days including: Hayden, The Werly Family, The Hewitt Family, The Provost Family, Megan, and Erica & Jarod :) oh yes. They are all coming your way :)

Everything here is going just lovely :) I love that it is Christmas season, and with all of the lights popping up, I can finally get in the spirit. Now toss me a cup of hot chocolate, some warm fuzzy slippers, and a good book to read and I'll be set. I only have a little over two weeks left of the semester, so it will be a giant relief when that is done. Then, I'll have a nice month break before starting the Spring semester with a whopping 5 English classes. Oh, joy!

ALSO: Big news announcement! At the end of this month, I am photographing my first wedding! Yes! I absolutely cannot wait. This means that in January 2009, I will begin offering wedding photography packages. If you'd like more details on this, you can contact me immediately. I already have my packages and price lists ready, but they will not be on my website until early January.

Thanks everyone for reading :) Have a great day! And check back for lots of sessions :)

1 comment:

Jenny Bishop said...

Yay for Christmas time and yay for your first wedding!!! =) Can't wait to see the photos of all your sessions!!