Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hewitt Family


Meet the cute Hewitt Family! This was such a fun session at Rio Vista Park in Peoria. We took these in the evening and for one of the first times in Arizona, it felt a little like fall to me! The grass had a fallish-yellow tint color, and the leaves were a slight golden-brown and falling from the trees. It was a nice late afternoon, and I was so happy to have been able to photograph their family!



And here is the cute little Kaylee. She was very interested in everything but the camera! She loved chasing the ducks in the little lake, playing with daddy, and of course, playing with the leaves! She was really shy in the beginning, so these leaves got us a few smiles on the camera! So cute.


There's that cute smile!


I loved these sweet moments between Kaylee and her dad :)




At the end of the shoot, little Kaylee was so worn out from the hour of adventure.


Thanks so much! I had so much fun working with you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously?! Do you get this sun all the time? Do I need to move to Arizona? Awesome session!