Let's start all the way back in early November on the presidential election day. This was my first year being able to vote in a presidential election, and was so excited! This is me and my boyfriend Brad. Note our super cool 'I Voted' stickers! Rock on, America.
Oh, lovely school. I am so happy to be off for a month! Here's the view just sitting outside as the sun sets. Oh, lovely.
And, here was my last day of the semester, filled with studying for my British Literature class! Not too fun, but I'm glad I'm done! Next semester should be quite interesting: I have 5 English classes: 2 of which are 300 level, and the other 3 are 400 level. I might as well live in the library.
Now, onto the happy stuff! I love Christmas season. Last week my family was over for a celebration for my mom's birthday, and my Grandma brought along this really fun word game. I love word games, they are my favorite!
Oh, Arizona. Last week I was at my Aunt's baking cookies, and we took a quick break outside to pick some lemons off of her tree. I looked up and saw the amazing sky and tree and had to snap this! It's one of my favorites. I love the smell of fresh lemons, even in the middle of the winter :)
And, here is the classic random Arizona. It appears to be sunny, and then you drive to the end of your street, look left, and see this:
But, it's the most wonderful time of the year!
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone has a great holiday and remembers the reason for the season :)
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