Thursday, December 11, 2008


Hey there everyone! I just wanted to give a business news update.

Due to building my portfolio, experience, and client base I will be increasing the price of my photograph sessions in the near future from $50 per session -to- $100 per session.

The date of the increase is not yet final, but I will provide at least two weeks notice before the change takes place. Stay tuned to my blog for updates!

Any bookings made before the date of the price increase (regardless of the date of your session), will qualify for the $50 session.

I just wanted to let everyone know in advance so you can begin to plan your session and contact me to reserve your date!

I am currently booking portrait sessions now through March.

Contact me soon to reserve a date of your first choice, as some dates in January and February are currently booked.

Thank you so much to my current and past clients for providing me the opportunity to work with you and build my business. You are all amazing and I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to photograph your lives! You all inspire me and have been so fun to work with.

Hope to hear from you soon! Take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, end of the year . . . I'm doing this too. Although your photos are awesome, I think you should charge more!