Saturday, November 29, 2008


This past Thursday, Thanksgiving, is one of my favorite holidays of the year. Most importantly, I get the spend the day with my family and friends, but I also love the 'mood' that is set that day: festivities, tradition, and preparing for the Christmas season.

The day started as it has for as long as I can remember; a true family tradition. We wake up early and eat a yummy breakfast, while we make a circle on the family room floor and pass around the ad's that come in the newspaper. It's so fun because we just sit in our pajamas, laugh, and get into the holiday spirit.

After our morning AD run, my mom and I went over to my sister's house where the entire family was going for Thanksgiving dinner. Of course, I brought my camera and took tons of pictures throughout the day. Here are a few of my favorites!

I'll start with my nephew, Cameron. He has the walker which we call the BMW, and he loves cruising around on this thing. He can't walk on his own yet, but he can in this toy and he feels so cool when he hobbles around. Well, I decided to sit on the ground in front of him and take a few pictures; he was making a lot of funny faces at me and I couldn't stop laughing. Here are a few: (ps- the top one is my favorite. It reminds me of the Blue Steel look from Zoolander, one of my all time favorite movies!)


We had a huge combination of delicious food. Since we had a pretty good sized crowd, we had some 'semi-homemade food' (Sandra Lee from the Food Network style!) dishes. Oh, and yes, those are potatoes in the sink. 15 pounds worth of potatoes (my sister and I peeled all of them. Uh huh.)


My sister set up an awesome table for us. It was gorgeous! And we topped off our delicious meal with one of my favorites: Sparkling Apple & Cherry Cider.


And this was one of the coolest things from the day- my sister used to be a 2nd grade teacher, and since she is taking a break this year to be with Cameron- she decided to have a fun activity for the family. She made a turkey on the back of Cameron's high chair, and we were all to take a 'feather', write what we were thankful for, and tape the feather on the turkey. It was such a good idea!


And, if this day couldn't get any better, we had beautiful weather! It was cloudy and a little rainy- sooo cozy, definitely my favorite! We also got a pretty cool thunderstorm at the end of the night. It was amazing!


I love my life, and am most thankful for the family that I have. I am very blessed to have such and amazing family, and cannot thank them enough for all they do!

Many posts are coming this week- I have tons of photo sessions to blog about!

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