Sunday, December 7, 2008


Meet the adorable Hayden. She is such a cute little girl! Those big blue eyes, such a cute face, and a wonderful, energetic personality. We took these pictures at Kierland in Scottsdale, early on a Sunday morning before the crowds arrived so we could have time to just walk (or run) around and let Hayden be the little one year old that she is :)





These are just a few of my favorites out of all the amazing shots from the day! I had so much fun following her around and letting her be herself :) that's the best way to get pictures, especially with kids who would much rather explore than sit in front of a boring camera. Oi vey, I could gush about how much I love to capture those little candid moments that really show personalities :) ah. 

And a big thanks to Hayden's mom, Gayle, who was super easy to work with and totally up for letting Hayden just be herself and have fun :) You two did awesome and I had so much fun! Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, your photographs of Hayden are wonderful. You do beautiful work. Hayden is sooooo adorable! We enjoyed her photos in the printed album gifted to her grandparents and the darling Christmas card. Of course, we are biased...we are her granduncle and grandaunt. Hayden is a lovely little girl and your photographs captured her spirit. Larry & Robin - Huntington Beach, CA