Thursday, December 25, 2008

Canvas Gallery Wraps

Oh, one of my absolute favorite products: fine art canvas gallery wraps. These are absolutely gorgeous, top-quality pieces of art to hang around your home to bring your photographs to life. The colors are rich and vibrant, and the canvas is built to last for over 100 years. There is truly no other way to display your photographs in such a rich, modern, elegant, and life-like manner.

The canvas arrives ready to hang



Your photograph wraps around the entire edge. The edges are are wrapped very tight and secure.


Sigh. They look absolutely beautiful hanging on the wall. Here is a side view to show the thick sides, and your image that is wrapped on the side.



The final product:


So beautiful! When I have a house of my own some day, canvas gallery wraps will fill my walls! I can't even describe how beautiful images look on a canvas gallery wrap. There is no other way to bring out the richest colors and beauty in your images than on a canvas wrap. As with all of the products that I offer, gallery wraps are produced in the highest quality available.

Canvas Gallery Wraps are available in sizes 11x14 and up. Please contact me for prices and any questions you may have!
[[pictured is a 16x24]]

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

iPhone Love

I've realized I haven't really blogged about anything 'personal' lately, so I thought I'd share some pictures taken with my lovely iPhone to take you on a little journey of what goes on behind the scenes. What do I take pictures of with my phone? Oh, everything that looks interesting, creates some kind of emotion in me, or freezes a memory that I will smile at when I look back onto it.

Let's start all the way back in early November on the presidential election day. This was my first year being able to vote in a presidential election, and was so excited! This is me and my boyfriend Brad. Note our super cool 'I Voted' stickers! Rock on, America.


Oh, lovely school. I am so happy to be off for a month! Here's the view just sitting outside as the sun sets. Oh, lovely.


And, here was my last day of the semester, filled with studying for my British Literature class! Not too fun, but I'm glad I'm done! Next semester should be quite interesting: I have 5 English classes: 2 of which are 300 level, and the other 3 are 400 level. I might as well live in the library.


Now, onto the happy stuff! I love Christmas season. Last week my family was over for a celebration for my mom's birthday, and my Grandma brought along this really fun word game. I love word games, they are my favorite!



Oh, Arizona. Last week I was at my Aunt's baking cookies, and we took a quick break outside to pick some lemons off of her tree. I looked up and saw the amazing sky and tree and had to snap this! It's one of my favorites. I love the smell of fresh lemons, even in the middle of the winter :)


And, here is the classic random Arizona. It appears to be sunny, and then you drive to the end of your street, look left, and see this:


But, it's the most wonderful time of the year!


Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone has a great holiday and remembers the reason for the season :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Jarod & Erica: Engaged!


Sigh. I could go on and on and on about this couple. They are both so incredibly sweet and at our first meeting, I knew we would be the perfect match. I am photographing their weeding next weekend and am so so excited and blessed to be working with such a laid-back and caring couple.

We took these engagement pictures just about two weeks ago, and although their proofing gallery has been posted for quite some time, I am just finding time to post their session on my blog! It's very busy around here. We took these photos in Downtown Glendale, and for once, it was a very cloudy and cold Arizona day. The sun was no where to be found, and I was a little bummed because I was excited to work with some sun flare and use it in their photos. But, we managed to have a great time, even with the thick clouds!





They were totally up for doing anything, which of course made me super happy.



The ring!





They are both so cute. This session had a couple of good stories actually! First, as we were walking through downtown there was a fellow that was in desperate need of food. Erica is so so sweet and offered him money as there was no restaurant near by, but he didn't want to take the money, he just wanted food. So, Erica being the sweet lady that she is walked a few blocks and bought him a meal at Subway :) so nice. It made his day. Then, as we were walking by a few downtown houses, there was an absolutely adorable historic home for sale. It was an open house, and we decided to take a peek inside. It was so lovely! The character of the house was outstanding, and it had those amazing wood floors, molding, and a claw tub: it was so charming! So, needless to say, this session was full of a lot of adventure and was kind of a 'mini-session,' but it worked out great!


Just as it started to get very dark, we snapped a few more. I love the playfulness in this next one



Jarod and Erica, thanks so much for a great session and being such a great couple to work with. I am so excited for your wedding next week!

Check back for their wedding photographs! Also, if you are not aware, I am offering wedding photography beginning in January of 2009. If you'd like more information, just send me an email at: - hope to hear from you!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Provost Family


Oh, this day was some what close to any photographers dream! The lighting was beautiful, the grass was luscious, and the family was incredibly sweet and patient. This is the adorable Provost Family. We met at a little green patch by Westwing, and the location worked out wonderfully. There was plenty of room to photograph, and lots of space for little Riley and their dog Emma to play.


I loved the colors and texture in this wall!


The lighting was ideal. I love the sun in these! So warm and yummy.




I love the natural-ness is this next one! This is my favorite part of my job- capturing those sweet moments as they happen!



Riley. I love that name and have always told myself if I ever had a little girl I would want to name her Riley. She is so cute! She wasn't too into sitting and posing with the family, so we let her run in the grass and be herself. I love letting the little ones 'do their thing' and follow them along with my camera. The results are always the best!





This next one is one of my favorites- something about the colors just really hit me! And it's just so...natural!


I'll finish off the post with their cute dog, Emma! She was such a sweet dog and did great, even though she was full of energy and egged Riley on! ;)


Thank you so much for allowing me to do your family portraits! You all did so great, and were so wonderful to work with! :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Still looking for that perfect gift?


That's right! Just think of how many memories will be created with a gift certificate :)

Pictured is my adorable nephew. If you haven't visited in a few days, scroll down for recent session posts! And, stay tuned! Two sessions will be posted in the next few days: The Provost family, and Erica & Jarod's engagement session!



Ah, yes the days of being a senior! Meet Megan, a cute, sweet, and spunky senior (wow, alliteration!). When she first contacted me and told me about her bubbly personality, I knew we'd be a great match! She loves the outdoors and I knew of no place better than Anthem Community Park: one of my regular locations for seniors and families!




This next one is my favorite! I loved the look on her face, and love how creamy it came out in black & white. Classic!





I also love this next one: one of my favorite things to do is take non-traditional pictures that seem really natural and unique.


Flashback to a few weeks ago: Some of you may remember Desirea, a senior that had her session at this same location. While on the photoshoot, she stepped in a giant cactus, so as Megan and I were walking around that area, I warned her of the looming cactus. I didn't think we'd run into that problem again, but I felt i need to warn her just in case. Surprise surprise! A few seconds later, there is a piece of cactus piercing her flip-flop! Now, let me tell you, I was also on the lookout for cactus, and this thing came out of the blue. So we talked about how it's rare that she was hit by the cactus, and we talked about how scary cactus can be. Fast forward a few minutes, we move to a different rock in a complete different area, and Megan goes to sit down. She screams! I freak out and wonder what was wrong, and it happens Megan sat on a cactus piece. I felt so bad, but Megan just smiled and took it like a champ! Good memories.

Thanks so much, Megan! You did an awesome job and I had a lot of fun with you!