Saturday, September 13, 2008


Click on the picture above to see a bigger picture of it :) 
It's a cute little collage of words found randomly within my blog. On this website you can also make your own collage - it's pretty fun! And interesting to see what words you use a lot on your page! 

I just wanted to give everyone a little personal update- everything is going great! School is going well, just very time consuming. Hence the reason for much fewer blog posts :( so sorry! I am also starting softball this week! I will have a game pretty much every Saturday night, so if you are looking to have a photo session on a Saturday night September-November, please give me at least two weeks notice so I can let my coaches know I won't be at the game :) 

Shooting with my D300 has been an absolute JOY! I also purchased a used lens a couple of days ago- it's a Nikkor 24mm f/2.8. This lens is a lot wider than my 50mm (my mostly used lens), so it's nice to have a wider option! Now that I have all these lenses, a Shootsac would sure be nice :)
So if anyone would like to buy me an early Christmas gift- or, give me any donations, you can find it here ;) Totally kidding.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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