Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Changes in the Horizon

Hi everyone!

If you are viewing my blog and notice it to be very plain and ugly, it's because it's undergoing a major face lift! Brad and I are working very hard on HTML coding and Javascript to update my blog and give it a fresh, unique look. Within the next few days, it should be fresh and new! Be sure to check back. So sorry for the current plain-ness. 

If you are looking for a particular post and need help navigating through my blog to a particular category, simply scroll to the bottom of each post to find the category you are looking for, and click it. When the blog updating is finished, it will have a pretty and useful navigation bar :)

Also- the web address to my blog has changed! It is now:

That's all for now! Stay tuned for a fresh look! 
If you need to contact me, please fill out a contact form from my webpage! Thanks for putting up with me and my currently ugly-duckling blog!

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