Wednesday, September 3, 2008

101 in 1,001 - Goals

Here it is: My list of 101 goals to complete in 1,001 days.
Some of these goals are personal - while others are business related.
Some will be completed in a few months - while others will be squeezed in to fit in 1,001 days!

This will be in progress from today, September 3, 2008 - Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Check back for updates, as I will make side notes when items on my list are completed!

1. Read my bible at least 30 minutes a day for at least one month straight
2. Graduate college
3. Move into my own house! (I guess that means I will also have to purchase one)
4. Have my own dog
5. Shoot an engagement session in Old Town Scottsdale
6. Second shoot a wedding
7. Shoot a wedding on my very own
8. Visit my family in Washington
9. Attend church every weekend for at least two months straight
10. Visit my family in Germany
11. Travel to New York (and the upper-east coast in general)
12. Save for and purchase my dream lens- the Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 VR
13. Get a bigger camera bag
14. Organize my office - completely!
15. Find a better back-up solution for my desktop
16. Finish The E-Myth book
17. Visit Hannah in Colorado and go white river rafting
18. Travel to Sedona in the fall to see the pretty fall leaves :)
19. Go camping
20. Write and send a card/letter to at least three friends
21. Attend WPPI in Las Vegas
22. Bowl a 290 in Wii Bowling
23. Beat Shelby in Wii Bowling
24. Make my photography business my full-time career
25. Coach/assistant coach a little league softball team
26. Get Fine Art Canvas Gallery Wraps for around my room and house
27. Completely understand ice hockey without having to constantly ask Brad questions
28. Read something from Shakespeare without having to refer to Spark Notes
29. Attend an ASU v. U of A football game
30. Get an SB-800 Flash
31. Learn and understand off-camera flash
32. Join Pictage and attend PUG meetings
33. Photograph the unique elements in Fletcher Library [COMPLETED: 9/8/08]
34. Stay in the Grand Californian hotel in Disneyland
35. Complete beginning & intermediate photography classes at GCC
36. Distribute new business cards to Cabin Coffee
37. Have my work published in a magazine
38. Win some type of contest
39. Go to Salty Senorita
40. Learn a dance
41. Improve my coordination with yoga - a least 2 times a week for a month
42. Swim at least 3 days a week for three months (when it's not freezing outside!)
43. Go snowboarding in Flagstaff (or somewhere much more fun!)
44. Stay at a cabin in Greer with family and friends
45. Keep my office & room organized and clean everyday for at least a month straight
46. Remodel my bathroom
47. Help Brad paint and organize his room
48. Make new playlists on my iPod 
49. Jet ski
50. Expand my cooking capabilities
51. Bake a cake for no reason at all :)
52. Eat breakfast at Einstein Bagels
53. Master the Vita Mixer
54. Organize all the files on my computer
55. Empty & organize my closet
56. Go through my room for giveaways [COMPLETED: 10/08]
57. Go to a Coyotes game
58. Attend a photography workshop [COMPLETED: 11/1/08]
59. Visit Mrs. Parker
60. Eat another decadent strawberry cupcake from Sprinkles :)
61. Learn to not be afraid of cats 
62. Make the full switch from water bottles to a reusable water container
63. Make a healthy smoothie for breakfast every school day for at least a month
64. Scope out a garage sale
65. Floss my teeth on a consistent basis
66. Use the spa every night possible when it's chilly and cold
67. Make a Facebook group page for my business
68. Get a wide angle lens...ish [COMPLETED: 9/11/08; Nikkor 24mm f/2.8]
69. Get a Shootsac
70. Make Cameron's one year calendar
71. Get a sample album made
72. Learn Photoshop CS3
73. Get a sample coffee table book made [COMPLETED: 10/08]
74. Purchase a portable external hard-drive
75. Read a book not related to business
76. Sharpen my Spanish speaking skills
77. Take pictures of something I would NEVER think to photograph
78. Spend quality time in Ikea
79. Spend quality time with my whole family
80. Design my house (I guess I should have included this next to purchasing my own house?)
81. Watch the final season of the OC
82. Learn HTML coding to make myself a much prettier blog :)
83. Make & Purchase customized 'Thank You' cards
84. Find and purchase good quality black gift boxes - for client photographs and products
85. Host my first Giving Back session
86. Hike Camelback Mountain again
87. Take my camera to a Diamondback & Coyote game
88. Learn how to resize the header here on my blog (one size that will fit all screens!)
89. Attend some type of class in the Mac store
90. Get Brad a dSLR
91. Find a local band to supply music for my website
92. Attend a show for a local band and photograph it
93. Try something new at Starbucks
94. Learn to take really, really, really good notes
95. Photograph the cross on the CCV hill, at sunset
96. Improve my posture - aka STOP slouching in chairs!
97. Eat only organic food for a week and see how it makes me feel
98. Vote in the Presidential election! [COMPLETED: 11/4/08]
99. Take another mission trip to Rocky Point, Mexico with Amor Ministers
100. Complete another triathlon
101. Watch the Diamondbacks in a World Series! (I guess they have to make it there!)

1 comment:

Ali said...

yeah! make sure to write about them when you are done!