Friday, August 1, 2008

Revamped Website: Launched!

Hello everyone! I just would love to share my enthusiasm with you all that my newly updated website is launched and up for viewing! If you tried to visit my webpage the past couple of days, you may have noticed it was down :( my apologies. But now, it's working and ready for your eyes to see!

I have updated a couple of pages on the webpage for simple viewing, as well as updated my galleries with recently taken photographs. But of course, always stay tuned with my blog for my most recent work!

You can visit my official website by clicking here!

More news:
My blog is fully and successfully labeled! Meaning, at the end of every blog post will be a list of categories the blog post falls under. You can click a category name (business, personal, portraits, etc.) to be taken to a page that shows you all posts that fall within that category! That will make viewing the blog very easy when you'd like to view all posts with portrait photographs, etc., or be directed to a post you may have seen in the past.

Thanks everyone for keeping up with my blog, and I look forward to posting more pictures from San Diego on here within the week! Stay tuned.

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