Saturday, August 23, 2008

Flash is so pretty

For those of your who haven't viewed my site in the past few days, VIEW IT NOW! :)
I upgraded my website big time - and it's awesome. You just have to see it to believe it!
That explains the title of this post. This is also what my "big announcement" was that I posted about a week ago. A new flash website, with royalty free music. The music might not be the best, but hey at least I don't have to worry about Copyright issues :) 
Speaking of music, I am in the process of searching for a good local band willing to supply music to my website. I still have not found "the one" but am trying. I will keep you posted.
Anyway, one of my favorite features of this site is the client proofing section! It is everything I have hoped for - a private, password protected gallery for my clients to view, and a shopping cart so they can order their photographs right on my website. How easy and awesome is that! Well, I think it's pretty swell. This is my solution for now - hopefully in a year or so I can join Pictage, and really starting using a fantastically-functionally easy online ordering system. But for me right now, THIS IS AWESOME! (Note the upper-case lettering. That's me very excited).

Onto the personal side of this blog posting,
My sister Ali has started a fabulous business. It's called Green Chic Mama, and she hand sews baby items using natural and organic fabric. It's functional, 'green', and CUTE! I highly suggest checking out the blog for her business by clicking here. You will find pictures of her products, pricing, and more information. Way to go, Ali!
I will be starting school this Monday. 19 credit hours worth of school - YIKES! That means I will be a very busy girl. So, if you notice a shortage in blog postings, or a little longer e-mail reply, this is why. But, I am working as hard as my body can, so please bear with me :)
Another note- I am saving up my money to purchase a new camera. A Nikon D300 to be exact. This camera is simply amazing. I would LOVE the new Nikon D700, but this is a full frame camera that requires full frame, FX, lenses. At this time, I only have DX lenses that will not work with the D700, so for now I will just have to settle with the D300 until I can have enough to save for a new camera body, and a whole new set of lenses. Ouch. That will pretty much put me in debt. But I'm sure it will be worth it :)
So, to save for this camera, I am buying absolutely nothing that I would usually buy. This includes cutting down on my Starbucks runs. And, I'm selling pretty much anything and everything I find of value on Craig's List and Ebay. I searched my entire house the other day for anything I could sell and came up with a lot of stuff. Sadly, much of this stuff sells for no more than $20. But hey, that's $20 I didn't have before! One of the things I am selling is my video camcorder. It's a little sad to let this guy go, but I know it'll be worth it to have a D300 :) and in a few years, I can save up for a HD camcorder, so I can make super amazing home videos.

So, this post is a little long, and I apologize for any rambling that may seem to occur. It seems the vanilla latte I had at 3p.m. is still in my system. I love Starbucks.

Oh yes, and one more thing. I plan on posting a contest either tomorrow or Sunday, so check back for that. You will not want to miss it!

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