Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'll take a shack on a rock...

Over a castle in the sand!
You may be wondering why I am posting so late at night.
It is because a very SCARY thunderstorm just about uplifted my house and I'm just taking some time to calm my nerves before I go to bed.
Many of you in Arizona experienced (or heard about) the huge storm that came through the valley last night. Huge trees were snapped in half, roofs were torn off, and thousands were left powerless. Thankfully, I live in the West valley and we didn't get much of the storm. Just a few lightning strikes and wind.
But tonight, we in the West valley got a little taste of Mother Nature in one of her moods!
I came home at about 10:30, and although there was some heat or 'cloud' lightning in the distance, they sky was pretty clear and there didn't seem to be any type of storm headed for our direction. So, I went up to my room, clicked on my computer and was about to go through some e-mails.
Then, the wind started to pick up. I could hear it getting progressively louder, and could hear a little bit of thunder, but nothing too big or scary. 
I decided to call my boyfriend, since we had just discussed the fact that we didn't think we would get any of the storms they had predicted earlier. He lives about five minutes away, and it was storming like crazy at his house. I could hear loud thunder going on in the background, and it sounded like a mad house! 
Pretty soon, the storm reached my house.
It seemed like all of a sudden, sheets of rain were coming down and blasting our windows. The wind was at an unbelievable speed, and there was so much lightning. Every time there was a flash, it light the house as if it were daylight. Soon to follow were very loud crashing thunders, the kind that make you cringe, which were also setting the car alarms off on the street several times.
When the lightning would flash and you were looking out a window, it looked like a hurricane. Seriously! I've always seen the videos on the news, and it was identical. All you could see was a sheet of rain being tossed by high winds, and pretty much no visibility. We couldn't even see the roof of my new door neighbors house! (Trust me, her roof is pretty dang close!)
The wind was so strong, it sounded like the tiles on our roof were about to fly off. I was afraid the windows would shatter in. And the constant lightning and thunder made it so very scary. 
I am very thankful to say, I think the storm is over. We still have a little drizzle and thunder off in the distance, but for the most part, the storm has passed. There has been no visible damage, and we are all okay, besides my dog who may have some psychological issues for life.

Well, I hope everyone is out there safe, and with power! I don't know how, but we didn't lose ours. That is very good, for spending a summer night in Arizona with no air conditioning, is, well, CRAZY!

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