Saturday, August 16, 2008

New addition to the family...

Yes, I have a NEW addition to the family!

A couple of days ago, I received my Lightroom 2! It is still the amazing Lightroom, but with a few new features the first Lightroom did not have, such as brush tools. I am super excited to start all my editing on here. It will make my life so much easier :)

Of course, Photoshop will not be forgotten. 
I was just on my ASU website, and I saw a banner that I thought was really funny, and pretty much describes the situation of having both Photoshop and Lightroom. 
If you imagine Photoshop and Lightroom being in the list rather than the ASU terms, this would be picture perfect :)

**Within the week, I will be posting a big news update, and contest! Let's just say the contest will include a free session and photo book! Check back for updates!** 

Have a great day :)


Rachel said...

I am SOOOOO envious of LIGHTROOM. I'll be ordering mine soon... just in time for you to show me all the new features you've learned.

Rachel said...

I am SOOOOO envious of LIGHTROOM. I'll be ordering mine soon... just in time for you to show me all the new features you've learned.

Lizzie Kimball said...

You should definitely get it! It's so easy! And fast too :)
How are you liking your Mac?!