Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Everyone, Mark Your Calendars! Don't miss out on this

I am thrilled to announce that I will be hosting an amazing all-day event projected to be Saturday, February 28, 2009.
This day will be unlike any other- I will be in Anthem's Community Park from 8a.m-4p.m. filling one-hour time slots for photo sessions of any & all types. 
But, here is what makes this day so special.
On this day, I will donate 75 % of your session fee to the US Autism & Asperger Association, which is a non-profit organization providing research and educational assistance to families and individuals with autism spectrum disorders. You can visit their website here for more information about their organization. 

This is an opportunity I wouldn't want anyone to miss. Spread the news and tell your family and friends. We can make a difference! 

The first one-hour session will begin at 8a.m, with the final session of the evening starting at 4p.m.
Any & all photo sessions will be accepted: Senior, Family, Child, Engagement, and everything in-between! Simply meet me in the Community Park in Anthem, arriving 15 minutes prior to the start of your session.

This day will be held in late February, as it will be perfect timing for senior portraits, away from the Holiday rush and winter chill, but still cool enough for the whole family to be out in the middle of the day.

On November 2, I will announce the finalized date of this event, should there be any changes. I will begin accepting reservations for this event on November 2nd! They will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you have a specific time you would like your session, book on 11/2!

If you have any questions, just ask. More information to come.

*If you are a photographer, or know a photographer that would be interested in joining me, please send me an e-mail at liz@elizabethkimball.net *


Ali said...

you are so cute... i love your entrepreneurship! way to go! we'll obviously be coming... probably a "family" session, i love the anthem setting!

i keep checking the website... anxious for it to upload!

Lizzie Kimball said...

Yes! You can reserve your session time on November 2nd :)

And yay! My new site is up! I love it :)