Thursday, June 5, 2008

My very first entry.

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog! I plan to rant about the latest happening's in my life, as well as post pictures I've taken recently. Because, I have to do something with them!

I'm thrilled to be an aunt. My first nephew, Cameron Michael is a very healthy, fun loving young man. I can't believe he will be 2 months old tomorrow! Time has gone by so fast, and he has gotten so big!  His special 2 month photo shoot was last weekend, and  I'm pleased to say he loves the camera, and did a very good job. I even got a little grin out of the guy and captured it on camera for the very first time. It's quite an amazing feeling. I'll be sure to post the pictures on this site when I return to my iMac where my photographs are stored, not here on my MacBook! 

On the other hand, I'm sad to report my summer softball season ended tonight in a bittersweet loss. My shins took a harsh beating tonight, for a girl on the other team decided to set right in front of me as I slid into second base. They are very tender and it's interesting to try to walk, but that's what you get in softball! 

Life in general is going great! I'm enjoying summer, but am still taking classes online. They can be a little confusing at time (it's different to adjusting to an online class!), but I know it's worth getting the class over before the semester starts. This allows me to take two photography classes at GCC! I can't wait for those classes to begin.

Well, that's all for tonight!
Check back for updates, especially updates of my b-e-a-utiful baby nephew.


1 comment:

Ali said...

yeah! I added you to my 'friends on board'... I'm glad to see you are finally committing :) You will soon find it addicting!