Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Why I love Arizona

Oh these hot days when I feel like melting and kicking Arizona in the face, I think back to the reasons why I love this wonderful state :)

1) It's a close drive to basically ANYWHERE! The beach, snow/snowboarding, Las Vegas, the forest (for fun camping and cool weather), Disneyland, and Palm Springs (SHOPPING GALORE!). The longest it'd probably take to drive to these places would be 6 hours with a lunch stop, and snowboarding and the forest being under two. And, if you don't feel like driving, plane tickets aren't outrageous because we're so close!
2) It's not humid. Well, most of the time. And not ridiculously humid, even when it is!
3) You can live in a suburban-ish neighborhood and be only a 15 minute (or less) drive to an urban area.
4) We have our share of rainy days (most years), but just enough to get the rain fix without going through weeks of no sunshine (which could lead to disaster!)
5) Most of the year, it's nice enough to enjoy the great outdoors. This is usually mid October - mid April, with a few extra hot and extra cold days thrown into the mix.
6) There are lots of fun outdoor activities to enjoy during the nice times of the year!
7) The sunsets are beautiful.
8) Areas are very diverse! Some are old, some are new, some have great modern shopping and restaurants. Some areas are nestled in the cool pines, some are surrounded with red rock and beautiful streams, while others are in the good 'ol desert!
9) Our freeways and roads aren't ridiculously crowded and crazy, as they are in California.
10) We have plenty of sunshine to keep us smiling year-round with no deep winter freeze. 

So, what it comes down to is that I'd take the heat over the cold any day! I personally believe a long, hot summer is much easier than a long, cold winter. It just doesn't sound too exciting.

Arizona born and raised, and I'm happy to say that I really love this state! :)
Although I do go through some bittersweet moments, such as when I can't touch my car's steering wheel when it's been sitting in a parking lot for 15 minutes in July. We could possibly use more trees.

I got my website up and running! Yes!
The address is: www.elizabethkimball.net

Well, have a good night! And keep those air conditioners running :)


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