Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's Almost Packing Time!!!

It's been a while since I've written in here, and I'm happy to say that I'm leaving in a couple days for California! I can't wait to just hang out on the beach, and take some senior and family portraits. And, I'm very happy to introduce my newest lens to my Nikon family!

For my birthday this past Sunday, I got an amazing lens from my parents (thanks!), a Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 lens. This little baby is amazing! I absolutely love it and can't wait to give it some real work in San Diego. 

Here's a few little "test" shots with my new lens. Nothing too fancy, just getting used to it :)

I just love Brad's eyes!! So blue and gorgeous.

I'm a Nikon Girl! :) [I can't wait to get the Nikon D700!!!!!!]
Cameron's little toys are just so cute.

And this is a shot of my dog, Bussie :) He's very happy to make it on the World Wide Web and has requested more photographs to be posted of him. We'll see how that goes.

I just can't wait to go to San Diego! Not only to "beach it" and enjoy the cooler weather, but I'm so anxious to take pictures! They will be posted on here as I take them, and a few days after I'm back, expect to see an update on my official website! I'm going to be updating photographs in the galleries (especially in the couples and group categories), as well as possibly changing a few things on the site. I'll be sure to make a post when I update the website!

I'm so excited to go to San Diego, and when I get back I have a lot of things planned! The day I come back, I'm out to Chandler to assist Jennifer Bowen with a wedding. Then, I will have all of my pictures from San Diego to go through! I will have hundreds. Then it's updating and publishing the website, and dropping off my business cards at Cabin Coffee.  Then I will have Lighroom to deal with. Ordering my copy, and playing around with my RAW images. I'm sure this will all be very enjoyable and interesting, but I'm going to be a busy girl! 

Well, I hope everyone is having a great July, and I will be sure to add photographs here from San Diego! Stay tuned to see my exciting beach adventures! :)


Rachel said...

I ENVY your new lens!!! Can't wait to see your pics from SD and can't wait to hear how the wedding with Jen goes:)

Lizzie Kimball said...

The lens is awesome! Jen and Kim were totally right! I'll definitely let you know how the wedding goes!