Monday, July 7, 2008

Baby Cameron

Hi everyone! Here is the latest update on my nephew! He turned three months old yesterday, and here are some pictures I took of this cute little boy on his first Fourth of July!

You will notice the reflection of his little glasses :) I'm on the far left, my mom in the middle, and the teeth of my sister (his mom) on the far right. We were trying to make him smile; however, he was clearly not in the mood.

We finally got a smile out of the little firecracker! It only took about 20 minutes, but we got one!

Here are the black & whites:

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! I sure did!
This week will be my week of full-on organization! I have two rooms that can both use severe organizing and de-cluttering. If I'm proud of how I will change up these rooms, I will post pictures of my success!
Take care!

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