Monday, June 30, 2008

Bookstore Adventure

Will you have this much fun! So Brad and I basically walked around Barnes & Noble and browsed some photography books and got some Starbucks. As you can see above, we also ended up just playing around in the music section, taking pictures. We were trying not to laugh too hard, considering we were in a bookstore.
Here are some shots from tonight:

I love this serious pose. It just reminds me of some type of Oceans 11 movie.

Brad was rocking out to some guitar music
And, I think he liked it.

And here I am, focusing on a book.
And then, it happened.
The Moment it Clicks!!!! Or, as the amazing Jennifer Bowen and Kimberly Jarman call it, "The Ah-Ha!" moment! It's very nice!

But then, Brad stumbled on a problem: The Windows section...

I know that neck hurts from all that pain Brad, but look ahead! Hope is soon to come!

So, I was thinking, I really liked shooting at Barnes and Noble. If there are any seniors out there that enjoy reading and/or music, this would be an awesome place to do your senior portrait session. We can stop by your favorite author isle, and check out the latest music! 

Have a great week everyone! And if you are traveling for the holiday, travel safely!


Friday, June 27, 2008

A Beautiful Day!

Today has been such a beautiful today. This morning when I left for swimming about 7:45, the sky was absolutely gorgeous! The color was a really deep blue, and there were these really puffy, ripply, sheep-skin looking clouds. Amazing! And, I've had a very accomplished day! I have gotten my workout in, shower, homework for the week, and I just went through Brad's pictures from his hockey game last night at the Alltel Ice Den in Scottsdale. 
Despite the foggy glass and nets everywhere, I ended up with some pretty cool pictures! Here are a few:

Let me tell you, I did watch for flying pucks. Except for when Brad was on the ice. Luckily, there were no flying pucks, or else my camera and I probably would have endured some brain damage.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Why I love Arizona

Oh these hot days when I feel like melting and kicking Arizona in the face, I think back to the reasons why I love this wonderful state :)

1) It's a close drive to basically ANYWHERE! The beach, snow/snowboarding, Las Vegas, the forest (for fun camping and cool weather), Disneyland, and Palm Springs (SHOPPING GALORE!). The longest it'd probably take to drive to these places would be 6 hours with a lunch stop, and snowboarding and the forest being under two. And, if you don't feel like driving, plane tickets aren't outrageous because we're so close!
2) It's not humid. Well, most of the time. And not ridiculously humid, even when it is!
3) You can live in a suburban-ish neighborhood and be only a 15 minute (or less) drive to an urban area.
4) We have our share of rainy days (most years), but just enough to get the rain fix without going through weeks of no sunshine (which could lead to disaster!)
5) Most of the year, it's nice enough to enjoy the great outdoors. This is usually mid October - mid April, with a few extra hot and extra cold days thrown into the mix.
6) There are lots of fun outdoor activities to enjoy during the nice times of the year!
7) The sunsets are beautiful.
8) Areas are very diverse! Some are old, some are new, some have great modern shopping and restaurants. Some areas are nestled in the cool pines, some are surrounded with red rock and beautiful streams, while others are in the good 'ol desert!
9) Our freeways and roads aren't ridiculously crowded and crazy, as they are in California.
10) We have plenty of sunshine to keep us smiling year-round with no deep winter freeze. 

So, what it comes down to is that I'd take the heat over the cold any day! I personally believe a long, hot summer is much easier than a long, cold winter. It just doesn't sound too exciting.

Arizona born and raised, and I'm happy to say that I really love this state! :)
Although I do go through some bittersweet moments, such as when I can't touch my car's steering wheel when it's been sitting in a parking lot for 15 minutes in July. We could possibly use more trees.

I got my website up and running! Yes!
The address is:

Well, have a good night! And keep those air conditioners running :)


Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Weekend :)

I hope everyone is ready to have a great weekend!
I am!
I have to say, this week has certainly been productive :) I've got my webpage ready to go, so it should be up by tomorrow evening! I can't wait.
But, I have to say, my little nephew has had the most productive week! He's now social smiling, and it's really fun to try to make the little guy giggle. He's so darn cute! And it's amazing how much progress he's made.

This is me and Brad's happy face. I got my new e-mail address set up for my business! We were excited.
It's :) feel free to e-mail me there anytime, or my good 'ole e-mail 
I hope everyone has a great and safe weekend!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The big night.

Well, tonight was a big night that I had been waiting a long time for.
We saw my favorite band, Jimmy Eat World. They did a great job in their show, and I was really happy to be there. I've listened to their music for a good half of my life, and it was really great because they played a lot of older songs that was a nice surprise to hear :)
And we had a really fun time. We saw a lot of characters, so it made the evening even more pleasant!

This week has been going pretty good! The main highlight of Monday was the boys' softball game :) those games are always very interesting and entertaining. Here are some pictures from the big event!

The lone bat. I thought it looked lonely, so I took it's picture :)

Well, it's been a good week. I hope everyone else is having a good week!
[t-minus one month until San Diego!]


Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Sunset Experiment.

After church today, Brad and I embarked on a photographic journey.
To capture the sunset. And to get Brad some cool outside-the-rink hockey pictures.
So, we headed to a really peaceful "mountain" (more like hill) in Sonoran Mountain Ranch.

These are just a few random pictures from today :)
I have to say, we had a lot of fun and I had a lot of fun "experimenting"
I have never done "real" sunset/silloute photographs before, so I experimented with my manual focus, and figured some settings out!

The only scary part of the whole thing was getting down the hill to our car!
The sun had just set, and the bugs were coming out. We could definitely hear them!
We were wearing flip-flops and were pretty convinced we'd meet a rattlesnake.
But no worries, we didn't meet any unwanted creatures! :)

I'm happy with how things came out, and I can't wait to grab more volunteers to take sunset pictures! So if you'd like to be one of those, just give me a call!

Well, that's all for tonight!
Tomorrow I'll be spending a good majority of the day completing a paper due for my English 241 class. Oh yes, I just love spending Sunday's on papers :)

Love, E.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I found the new lens of my dreams.

That's right. Number one on my list right now is a Nikkor 24-85mm :) And, I've got a birthday coming up! :D

Okay, so here are some pictures we took last weekend in Anthem!

So, those are some pictures of Brad :) I just love this place, it's really pretty and there is such variety! They have perfect green grass, lakes & waterfalls, mega-slides for the kids, and even a cute little train track and bridge. Ah :)

Here are a couple pictures my mom took of Brad & I, and a really cute picture Brad took of me on this little kid horse :)

What Happens in Vegas...

Is a really cute movie! My boyfriend Brad and I saw it tonight, and I would definitely recommend it :) 

So I'd like to say I feel pretty accomplished! I just posted my 5th (and thankfully final!) journal entry of the week for my English 241 class! Those things are such a pain. And last week I got a 7.32 out of 8, so my professor is obviously pretty picky and tight about his grades! At least I only have this class until July 4th! Then I'll be free fallin'! My other summer class, poetry, is not as bad as I thought! It allows me to be creative, unlike English 241 which just throws me into the 16th century. Boo!

Alright, so maybe tomorrow I'll get to posting some photos from the shoot in Anthem last week! It was so much fun. But again, I'm on my laptop where I don't store many of my pictures! Check back for those! 

I'm also in the process of completing my website and getting it up and running. That will hopefully be within the next two weeks! I'll be sure to put a link for it on here when it's working!

Well, until then, take care and have a good weekend!

Love, E.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Logo Take Two.

Here is the lighter colored logo for black & white photographs.

I think I am leaning toward the second one...Although it is a little more "yellow" in color, it's still easy to read, and I like the sizing of the word "photography" better.

PS- The cute model is my boyfriend, Brad! :) 

Friday, June 6, 2008

All About E! The Girl Behind the Lens

The Story of a Girl Named E...

The name of my business has been named after myself: Elizabeth Kimball. But, if you were to walk into my house or be with me around family and friends, you'd hear them referring to me as 'Lizzie,' or quite simply, 'E'. Feel free to call me either of those names :)

I am a goofy person. I love to laugh, smile, and make random (usually cheesy) jokes out of the blue. I try not to take myself too seriously, as I know life has far much more to offer. I'm dependable and reliable: I follow through with exactly what I say I'll do. My business is based on these two qualities: Personality and Trust. With that said, I love to provide my clients with a comfortable and trusting relationship; client satisfaction and top quality is what I'm all about.

In my free time, I am surrounded by the most amazing people in the world: my family and friends. I love every one of them so much! They support my decisions, help me along they way, and make me laugh in the process. How much better can life get!? We love to watch HGTV, play Nintendo Wii, hang out in the spa, and watch movies in the backyard on a very big projection screen. Yes, that's how we do it! 

I am a sports fanatic! I love to play, coach, and watch sports. I still play fast pitch softball, but have been a year-round club swimmer (Michael Phelps style...kind of), and soccer player for many years. The Arizona Diamondbacks are my favorite team, and I also enjoy watching the Phoenix Coyotes. I'm still learning the rules of ice hockey, but love the sport! I'm almost to the point where I don't have to ask my amazing boyfriend Brad questions during a game.

The most important thing to know about me is that I shoot from my heart. Being a lifestyle photographer, my heart searches to capture your personalities, emotions and memories as they happen. With a simple, creative, and modern photojournalistic approach, I capture your natural movement and turn it into a work of art. It's something that comes natural to me; I smile and thank God everyday for the amazing ability He has given me, and use my talent to touch the life of others by bringing them the gift of photography.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My very first entry.

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog! I plan to rant about the latest happening's in my life, as well as post pictures I've taken recently. Because, I have to do something with them!

I'm thrilled to be an aunt. My first nephew, Cameron Michael is a very healthy, fun loving young man. I can't believe he will be 2 months old tomorrow! Time has gone by so fast, and he has gotten so big!  His special 2 month photo shoot was last weekend, and  I'm pleased to say he loves the camera, and did a very good job. I even got a little grin out of the guy and captured it on camera for the very first time. It's quite an amazing feeling. I'll be sure to post the pictures on this site when I return to my iMac where my photographs are stored, not here on my MacBook! 

On the other hand, I'm sad to report my summer softball season ended tonight in a bittersweet loss. My shins took a harsh beating tonight, for a girl on the other team decided to set right in front of me as I slid into second base. They are very tender and it's interesting to try to walk, but that's what you get in softball! 

Life in general is going great! I'm enjoying summer, but am still taking classes online. They can be a little confusing at time (it's different to adjusting to an online class!), but I know it's worth getting the class over before the semester starts. This allows me to take two photography classes at GCC! I can't wait for those classes to begin.

Well, that's all for tonight!
Check back for updates, especially updates of my b-e-a-utiful baby nephew.
