Monday, November 17, 2008

Cameron is 7 Months!


Meet my adorable nephew, Cameron who is now 7 months old! I can't believe how fast he has grown- I take his pictures once a month, and it seriously is the coolest thing you can do with a baby. It's amazing to look at their pictures month after month and see the small changes they have made each month. We started them when he was two weeks old, and will continue until he is one year old and will make a coffee table book out of our favorites taken throughout the year. Amazing! I'm thinking of making a package that covers your maternity pictures, newborn session, 4 additional baby sessions throughout the year, and a credit for a coffee table book. If you're interested, let me know! 

And yes, this is my second post of the day. There will be a third later on! 

Enough rambling, and onto the cuteness!


Check out that strawberry-blonde hair; totally resembles his mom, Ali. In these pictures, you can really see the red in his hair! In others, not so much. But I love when it shows- adorable! And you have to love those big, blue eyes that also resemble his mom, and his dad, Danny. Danny was making Cameron laugh in this picture, and as you can see by Ali's arm, was trying to stop him from rolling over from laughing so hard.


And then, I found this awesome bucket in my backyard that I never knew I had. I was so happy Ali was willing to sit Cameron in this little plastic thing, because they are my favorite pictures I've ever taken of him! So cute and Gap model-ish. I made this collage with a few of my favorites.


And a one bigger one to show off those bright eyes.


Thanks Ali, Danny, and Cameron! Can't wait for next month's set!

And readers: stay tuned yet again for a third post! They will be a 'sneak peak' of Desirea's senior session from Anthem this weekend.


Jenny Bishop said...

Hey Lizzie!! Your nephew is adorable and your photos are amazing!! The colors and quality are so crisp!! What lens were you using?? Love the composition and the color choices...especially the red bucket with his cute blue and red shirt! Great job with all the photos!! Definitely love the idea of offering a package with all the different age shots with a coffee table book! Can't wait to see your third post of the day! :)

Lizzie Kimball said...

Hey Jenny!
Thank you so much! I was using a 50mm f/1.4 (I use this lens 95% of the time). I'm almost positive I had my aperture at 2.8 for all of the photos. I would pull up Lightroom to check, but my computer is on the verge of having a melt-down!
Third post is up! Yeah!