Monday, October 20, 2008

It's been a good week :)

Hi everyone! So sorry for a delay in posts! I've been so busy with school, it's insane! Half-way through the semester: this is exciting, but also scary because all of my professors are kicking into high gear to get everything finished before the semester ends. Oh, lovely :)

But, I'm happy to say I have received new products that I recently ordered, so I will be posting pictures of those products here within the week! I have a coffee table book, a mounted print, and a story board. So fun! I  will also have a detailed price list of these items. Stay tuned for all of that!

The blog is still undergoing construction :/ we are working on getting my navigation bars to work- they will eventually be drop down menus. Right now, they are just blank, unless you click the 'About Me' or 'My Website' icon. Those will take you right where you need to go :) just in case you want quick access to my website, or want to know all about me! 

And, a quick note: I love my printing lab :) today in my photography class, we made an 8x10 print. Sounds easy, right? Wrong! It took me quite a few test prints to get my coloring correct, and then the ink ran out. It was a nice twenty minute delay, and when all is said and done, took me 2 hours to make my high-quality 8x10 print. Kudos to my lab, and anyone who does printing at home! It takes lots of hard work, experience and patience. Maybe over time I'll learn how to make an 8x10 on my own in less than two hours. That would be fantastic!

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